
时间:2024-04-16 22:17:11




  This afternoon, the weather is sunny, the breeze stroke, give a person a kind of relaxed feeling, accompanied by her mom and dad, I be at the park. In the park, wow, a sea of people in the park, the elderly, with children, adults and so on. Project also has a lot of fun in the park; Ring, fishing, ferris wheel, car, horse riding, whack-a-mole... Before each rides are crowded with people. They cried out, play of special happy. Suddenly a cheer attracted the line of sight of me in the past, I quickly took mom and dad's hand in the past, turned out to be a lot of people in the ring. A child with a bird in a cage. People cheered for him. See the ground with strange toys, my heart is itching. On the ring must be complete to take away. Our bank? Try it, mother encouraged me to say. I took the thirty laps, the in the mind a little bit nervous. Beside people cheer for me, teach me some method. A whoosh, the first to fly out, didn't set. Several are touching the edge, it is not. Thirty trap finished, I didn't put on a somewhat frustrated. Then I sit the ferris wheel with my father. Aunt press open button after we were seated, the ferris wheel is turned up slowly, ferris wheel turn higher and higher, my heart up higher and higher, also like to jump out. Ferris wheel slowly turned down again, my mind was back to his original place. Then we play with the car, saw their fishing for goldfish, unconsciously the sun went to bed will I reluctantly left the circle


  今天下午,天气晴朗,微风拂面,给人一种轻松的感觉,我在爸爸妈妈的陪伴下到公园游玩。 到了公园,哇塞,公园里人山人海,有老人,有小孩,有大人等等。公园里好玩的项目也有很多;套圈、钓鱼、摩天轮、开小车、骑马、打地鼠......每个游乐项目前都挤满了人。他们喊着叫着,玩的特别开心。忽然一阵欢呼声把我的视线吸引了过去,我急忙拉着爸爸妈妈的手过去看,原来是很多人在套圈。一个小孩套着了一只关在笼子里的小鸟。人们在为他欢呼。看到地上摆着的千奇百怪的玩具,我的心里直痒痒。套圈必须全套上才可以拿走。我行吗?试试看,妈妈鼓励我说。我接过三十个圈,心里有点紧张。旁边的人们为我加油,教给我一些方法。嗖的一声,第一个圈飞出去了,没套着。接连几个都碰到边缘,那也不算。三十个圈套完了一个也没套上,有点灰心。 接着我又和爸爸坐摩天轮。我们坐好以后阿姨按开按扭,摩天轮就慢慢地转起来,摩天轮越转越高,我的心也越提越高,像要蹦出来一样。慢慢地摩天轮又转下来了,我的心才回到他原来的地方。然后我们又玩了开小车,看了他们钓金鱼,不知不觉太阳就要落山了,我依依不舍的离开了公圆

